Travel Photographer of the Year – Overall Winner

Overall winner of Travel Photographer of the Year TPOTY

This is the big one! The overall winner and Travel Photographer of the Year 2025 will be the photographer who submits the best two portfolios across the portfolio categories.
© AndreJa Ravnak

The Travel Photographer of the Year award is a highly prestigious award which gains massive international recognition and media coverage.

The winner receives a great prize, but – equally importantly – has the satisfaction of winning one of the most hotly-contested photography awards in the world, which is now in its 22nd year.

The international exposure that goes with that success is considerable and has raised the profile of past winners, helping them to sell their images, gain commissions and much more. Warning – winning this award can change your life!

Two portfolios of four images each in any of the ‘Faces, People, Cultures’, ‘Planet Earth – landscape, climate & water’, ‘Travel in Monochrome’ or ‘Wildlife, Nature & Underwater’ portfolio categories. You can enter the same category more than once, or enter two, three or four separate categories as often as you wish.

An ability to photograph different travel-related subjects in an interesting, engaging and impactful way; creativity, originality, and also diversity across the portfolios submitted.

Am I eligible? 

Entry is automatic if you have entered two or more four-image portfolios in any portfolio category.

The winner of this category will receive a £2000 cash prize plus a portfolio review by a leading New York photographer’s agent, Frank Meo, plus Radiant Photo imaging software.

Image © Matjaz Krivic

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