Travel Photographer of the Year
Winner: Julian Love, UK

Young Travel Photographer of the Year
Winner: Robert Dziabel, Germany(age 16)

Joint runner-up: Edward Mole, UK (age 13)

Joint runner-up: Erik Haag, Canada (age 16)

2006 winners – Portfolios
Winner: Judith Jones, UK

Runner-up: Andrew McConnell, UK

Winner: Peter Hendrie, UK

Runner-up: Rene Koster, Netherlands

Highly Commended: Luke Duggleby, UK

Commended: Mark Paulda, USA

Winner: Andre Lichtenberg, Brazil

Runner-up: Peter Dettling,Switzerland

Highly Commended: Amber Maitland, UK

Commended: Christian Aslund, Sweden

2006 Winners – single images

North of 30 Degrees

Our sponsors and partners
It would not be possible to run Travel Photographer of the Year without the support of our sponsors and partners, and we are hugely grateful for their involvement each year. Click the logo to learn more about each of Travel Photographer of the Year’s sponsor and partners.