We’re delighted to announce that JRNY travel magazine are partnering with TPOTY and you can now win copies of this fabulous new publication in the current awards. Great photography and great travel writing together!
JRNY travel magazine is a quality printed coffee-table magazine, featuring travel stories, essays and photography from some of the world’s most talented travel writers and photographers. It is a collaboration between freelancers who will design, write, edit and produce this travel magazine. The winners of Travel Photographer of the Year 2021 and Young Travel Photographer of the Year 2021 plus all the category Winner, Runners-up, Highly Commended and Commended entrants receive a copy of JRNY travel magazine – print and/or digital.
Plus we”ll be giving away copies on Eye for the Light. You can hear all about JRNY and one of its founders, Jordan Banks, in our Newton & Coe podcast on Eye for the Light.
Visit the JRNY travel magazine website at:
Our sponsors and partners
It would not be possible to run Travel Photographer of the Year without the support of our sponsors and partners, and we are hugely grateful for their involvement each year. Click the logo to learn more about each of Travel Photographer of the Year’s sponsor and partners.