We are thrilled to announce that three fantastic photographers have agreed to become a part of the TPOTY judging panel.
Two-time Pulitzer prizewinner photographer Essdras M Suarez is originally from Panama and now based out of Alexandria, VA/ USA. He was a photojournalist for 20 years and a Boston Globe staff photographer for 12 years until 2014. While there he received national and international accolades for his coverage of stories such as the Iraq War, Tsunami Aftermath, Newton Massacre and Boston Marathon bombing, among others. He’s also received multiple awards in other photo specialties.
Lawrence Jackson, a former Official White House Photographer under the Obama Administration, spent 18 years working for newspapers and wire services before working at the White House. Since leaving the White House Lawrence has been building his photography business telling/documenting stories for news organizations, corporations, families and political events.
Keith Berr is an international advertising, commercial and fine art photographer. He has recently custom designed and built a modernistic live/work compound in the centre of Cleveland’s Asia town and is involved in the movement to revitalise his art district. His journeys take him on assignments, where he creates memorable photographs of men in steel mills, racecars, corporate leaders, brain surgeons at work, chefs, food and native flair around the world.
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